Oscar Conde Medina
Born in Mexico City, 1973. He has a Law Degree (1994). He is bilingual (Spanish and English). In 2009 Mr. Conde participated in the special program (ACE) at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He has been involved in attracting, consulting and assisting direct foreign investment in Mexico with the highest ethical, professional and commercial standards. From 1998 to 2005 he was part of the experts that supported and participated in the acquisitions of financial institutions in Mexico, as well as participated in the most relevant credit restructuring operations in the north of Mexico, including the merger and the public stock sale of the Coca-Cola bottling company (Arca). From 2005 as of today, Mr. Conde has been implementing strategies of businesses expansion in Mexico, helping the clients´ grow by providing them with opportune legal services oriented towards protecting the clients’ personal, economic and commercial interests. He assists clients from all the globe.
In 2019 Mr Conde was awarded as the Foreign Direct Investment Lawyer of the year in Mexico by ACQ5 and recently he has been awarded as the Foreign Direct Investment Expert of the year in Mexico (2020 Global Award) by Leaders in Law.